Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Random Jackoff - September 7, 2022

With Dancing With the Stars getting ready to reveal their cast for their New Season Tomorrow, We at The Jackoff Factory will all female pros to dance with those female from the Opposite Skin Color it's Light Skinned Girls Dancing with Darker Counterparts

Light: Alexis Warr, Alex Imagna, Alyx Andrushuk, Anna Santucci, Ashley Cinq-Mars, Bailey Swift, Brooke Fong, Cheryl Burke, Daniella Karagach, Emma Slater, Hannahlei Cabanilla, Jordan Betscher, Kateryna Klishyna, Koko Iwasaki, Noelle Marsh, Peta Murgatroyd, Ryan Ramirez, Witney Carson
Dark: Bri Morrison, Britt Stewart, Brittany Parks, Candice Savage, Chani Bell, Chelsea Hough, China Taylor, Dayna Madison, Dominique Domingo, Janaya Cradle, Jasmine Badie, Jasmine Mason, Kayla Marie Jackson, Natasha Crudup, Patience Aquart, Ralyn Johnson, Taylor Banks, Tori Evans

Total: 36

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