Saturday, June 18, 2022

So You Think You Can Dance: The Jackoff - June 18, 2022 (Part 2 of Pairing Things Up)

Top 6 Girls and Their Partners (12):
Alexis Warr & Camila Schwarz
Anna Miller & Jocelyn Martinez
Essence Wilmington & Mia Mellican
Jordan Betscher & Jojo Lokhorst
Ralyn Johnson & Flora Dickens
Virginia Crouse & Jaliyah Kersten

The Others Who Made Choreography but paired up by Not Making It to the Top 22 (20): 

Brianna Grey & Camryn Bridges
Brooke Watts & Sydnie Alie
Dakota Pizzi & Rebekah Brodsky
Jordin Suwalski & Dabria Aguilar
Maci Montes & Madeline Underwood
Madina Beisekeyeva & Ali Deucher
Madison Moser & Kamryn Funk
Rachel Lockhart & Christina Kotsopolos
Sarah Ito & Olivia Orona
Zyiasia Knighton & Alyssa-Marie Muna

Those who were confirmed to audition on SYTYCD 17 but failed to Choreography and Paired with some other stuff that we don't know (16):

Olivia Cava & Abigail Miller
Lihi Catriel & Angela Cifone
Julia London & Hannah Block
Brooke Watts & Olivia Danso
Camille Fehr & Amy Showers
Lauren Yakima & Josephine Kylee Zarzosa
Bostyn Brown & Sarah Ashley
Mia Maxwell & Jordan Haydel

And SYTYCD Female Alums being paired with Pro Cheerleaders (32)

Hannahlei Cabanilla (S15) & Julianna Saigusa (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Genessy Castillo (S15) & Yalissa Cortes (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Gaby Diaz (S12) & Kelly Eustis (LA Laker Girl)
Jasmine Harper (S10) & Paola Isabella (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Chelsea Hough (S15) & Te'a Costi (LA Clippers Spirit)
Jacque Lewarne (S11) & Sammy Hurst (LA Laker Girl)
Anna Linstruth (S16) & Mia Rose Robertson (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Jasmine Mason (S10) & Shaelly Adams (LA Clippers Spirit)
Alexia Meyer (S12) & Audrey Mongrain (Las Vegas Raiderette)
Marissa Milele (S12) & Piper Cervantes (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Hailee Payne (S12) & Vicky Nyamuswa (Las Vegas Raiderette)
Sophie Pittman (S16) & Kira Guzman (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Jessica Richens (S11) & Shaniah Randall (Las Vegas Raiderette)
Mariah Russell (S16) & Meesh Harvey (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Taylor Sieve (S14) & Jacqueline Ward (LA Rams Cheerleader)
Amy Yakima (S10) & Sarah Seese (LA Clippers Spirit)

Total: 80

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